School Stories to inform and inspire
Be inspired by…Alderman Richard Hallam Primary
EVC Wayne Holder looks back on a memorable educational visit when children from Alderman Richard Hallam Primary were flag bearers at an NFL game at Wembley.
Be inspired by…Tetherdown Primary School
A mini-residential in year 4 helps prepare children (and their parents and carers) for their year 6 visit.
Be inspired by…Claremont School
An inspiring story of Claremont School’s local area visit to welcome their annual visitors - the swifts!
Colchester Prep & High School
Q&A with Chris Rayner, EVC and Head of Outdoor Learning and Global Enrichment at Colchester Prep & High School.
AKS Lytham
Q&A with Nick O’Loughlin, Head of Geography and Co-curricular Coodinator at AKS Lytham Independent School.
Be inspired by…Oakwood School
A Visit Leader’s account of a budget-friendly self-led Belgian battlefields tour.
British School of Barcelona
Q&A with Head and EVC, Judy Dean from the British School of Barcelona

support and inspire other EVCs and visit leaders with your school stories
School story
Write about your latest or most memorable visits. What went well? What challenges did you face? How have you changed the way you organise or plan visits as a result? What advice do you have for others leading similar educational visits?
Submit an article - around 500 words - and a selection of images (please make sure you have the relevant permissions) to showcase your school and your visits.
in conversation with…
Share your experience as an Educational Visits Coordinator or visit leader. How did you get the role? What do you do day-to-day? What specific challenges and opportunities do you have in your school or setting? … Volunteer for our ‘In conversation with’ section to show the reality of life as an EVC or Visit Leader.
We’ll arrange a short online call to talk through some questions and then write it up as a Q&A for your review before publication.